This may be a slight tangent from the original question, so sorry in advance...
I'm sympathetic to Ashley's view, but have more and more felt that a good practicum covering the actual mechanics of exhibition construction and art handling/packing would be really helpful for those studying to be curators/directors.
...let me rephrase that...
Having curators or directors who have taken a practicum covering the actual mechanics of exhibition construction and art handling/packing would be really helpful for preparators, packers, and art handlers.
Maybe this is an issue unique to the world of contemporary art institutions, but it would certainly not hurt.

Quote Originally Posted by T. Ashley McGrew View Post
This is something that I am not familiar with. Like most old timers my understanding of the work accumulated overtime by working next to more experienced individuals. Supplemented more recently by attending events put on by other established practicing professionals (PACCIN etc...).
I suppose like most preps I have known I am innately skeptical of academic representations of the work we do. I think a lot of that is because so many of the people who write/teach are not the folks who do the work - and it shows in the end result. That is why PACCIN is always seeking input from working preps and related collections care professionals to present at workshops and contribute articles on the website.
All that said, when someone is providing valuable practical information in classes and workshops then we want to know about it and support it! I am glad to hear that you plan to explore this option. Please report back on this thread with your impressions of what they have to offer. If you take a class, if I were you, I would take what you are learning and run it by any working professionals that you know just for comparison.
For a greater quantity of responses (and faster ones) you might want to post this question on the PACCIN listserv. That way it goes directly into several hundred inboxes out there.
Good luck!