PACCIN has a double barreled structure for communicating with peers. The wider option is the Forum where we are now. Unlike many other forums you don't have to register to read the content here. I monitor registration and as you might guess this is where people from all over the world find and use the information on the site including using us find links to other organizations and resources. There are two real functional reasons to register on this site - either to be able to post questions or comments, or to Subscribe to sections of the forum that reflect your interests. Many people who register (currently stands at around 1,200) on the site don't go ahead and subscribe the topics so when you put out a question your responses will be from folks who are just on the site visiting (during 2013 the site received on average about 43,000 hits a day) or a relatively few subscribers.
The other choice - the listserv has a little over 1,000 members but the questions and responses go directly into each of their email in boxes. This group is full of more active "hardcore" PACCIN folk from a variety of backgrounds. It is common for questions posted there to receive multiple responses during the same day the question is posted. Many of the individuals who post most frequently here are also on the list. Some of us are on multiple lists like the mountmakers group, Registrars list, MuseumL, Objects Specialty group, Museum lighting group etc... Anyone who wants to join the list only have to go to the tab at the top of the front page and follow the links - or just click HERE to start.
Ok I just had a thought. Were you just giving me a hard time because I spelled listserv instead of ListServe? It has been a long week.