- ADA requirements
- Unstretched painting
- Floor pad ideas?
- Strength of velcro
- No Sweat Preparator Gloves?
- Hanging works of art
- Floating Object Cart
- hot glue sticks
- Gator Board
- About Disposable gloves
- Installing unframed pictures as wolfgang tillmans does. Looking for advice.
- Kimonos : Methods of installation? ...
- Hardware for 2-D in seismic zones
- Painting Cart - ARTworks of KC
- Freelancing
- Heavy-Duty Shoulder Hooks?
- Large Plexiglass Vitrine issue
- Hardware for mounting plexiglass flush to wall
- Magnets to secure 3D objects
- Dealing with warped vase bases
- Old Armor and swords
- Installation Mock-up
- Exhibiting Taxidermy of Endangered Species
- Ideas for safely displaying a buffalo robe
- Motion alrams mounted to the backs of hung pictures?
- Numbering cubes
- Art Handling training/seminars?
- Art Rail and Picture Hangers and Clips
- Vinyl Wall Lettering Headache?
- Dust!
- Calcium deposits on Glass Sculpture
- Buffing Bronze disaster, SOS!
- How to Hang Large Framed Photographs Without Nails
- Connectors for Acrylic Sheet
- securing 2D works/theft prevention
- Installing quilts for traveling exhibit - rare earth magnets?
- Traveling exhibit of quilts! Hanging and packing advice needed
- Frameless/unframed photographs installing fasteners
- Cleat Material for Exhibit Panels
- hand-carrying packed museum artifacts on a plane
- Mounting unframed tyvek print-large panoramic
- Has anybody seen this type of Plastic/PVC glazing for glass panels???????
- Primer on security hardware for frames?
- Art Installation, Storage, Transport vendors needed-NYC
- Policies for accepting video works/collecting video works.
- Olefin Carpet Source
- Teflon sliders/glides
- Trying to source some tools for moving/handling art, a skate and a unknown hand tool.
- Suction Cup Handles
- Hanging larger 110 lb frame in drywall
- Attaching brass mounting rods to crumbly drywall
- Museum Wax alternative for unglazed ceramics?
- Hanging very large, unframed watercolors
- hanging painting on granite wall
- Introduction of ...
- Looking for art installer in the Dallas area
- Magnets & Works on Paper
- What's in your tool bag?
- Wrapping Blocks with Fabric
- Ionizer Recommendations
- Big Bubble Bags
- Invisible installation of works on paper
- Material for Gold String art?
- Vans, Trucks, retrofitting, leasing vs buying, art transport tricks of the trade
- Adhesive
- Research help please
- Tripwire alarm
- Vehicle for Art Pick Up/Delivery
- tapestry hanging
- ideas for security hardware for frames
- Workshops and Conferences
- PPE and new work practices for prep crews amid Covid19
- Procedures for Covid 19 positive tests during art installation
- Where to get bulk floreat picture hangers? (Besides Ziabicki)
- Lift or Leveler? (Listserve thread from 11/11/20)
- Do No Touch Labels
- Duchamp Rotoreliefs question
- Reliability of cleats