View Full Version : Art/Object Handling and Installation

  1. ADA requirements
  2. Unstretched painting
  3. Floor pad ideas?
  4. Strength of velcro
  5. No Sweat Preparator Gloves?
  6. Hanging works of art
  7. Floating Object Cart
  8. hot glue sticks
  9. Gator Board
  10. About Disposable gloves
  11. Installing unframed pictures as wolfgang tillmans does. Looking for advice.
  12. Kimonos : Methods of installation? ...
  13. Hardware for 2-D in seismic zones
  14. Painting Cart - ARTworks of KC
  15. Freelancing
  16. Heavy-Duty Shoulder Hooks?
  17. Large Plexiglass Vitrine issue
  18. Hardware for mounting plexiglass flush to wall
  19. Magnets to secure 3D objects
  20. Dealing with warped vase bases
  21. Old Armor and swords
  22. Installation Mock-up
  23. Exhibiting Taxidermy of Endangered Species
  24. Ideas for safely displaying a buffalo robe
  25. Motion alrams mounted to the backs of hung pictures?
  26. Numbering cubes
  27. Art Handling training/seminars?
  28. Art Rail and Picture Hangers and Clips
  29. Vinyl Wall Lettering Headache?
  30. Dust!
  31. Calcium deposits on Glass Sculpture
  32. Buffing Bronze disaster, SOS!
  33. How to Hang Large Framed Photographs Without Nails
  34. Connectors for Acrylic Sheet
  35. securing 2D works/theft prevention
  36. Installing quilts for traveling exhibit - rare earth magnets?
  37. Traveling exhibit of quilts! Hanging and packing advice needed
  38. Frameless/unframed photographs installing fasteners
  39. Cleat Material for Exhibit Panels
  40. hand-carrying packed museum artifacts on a plane
  41. Mounting unframed tyvek print-large panoramic
  42. Has anybody seen this type of Plastic/PVC glazing for glass panels???????
  43. Primer on security hardware for frames?
  44. Art Installation, Storage, Transport vendors needed-NYC
  45. Policies for accepting video works/collecting video works.
  46. Olefin Carpet Source
  47. Teflon sliders/glides
  48. Trying to source some tools for moving/handling art, a skate and a unknown hand tool.
  49. Suction Cup Handles
  50. Hanging larger 110 lb frame in drywall
  51. Attaching brass mounting rods to crumbly drywall
  52. Museum Wax alternative for unglazed ceramics?
  53. Hanging very large, unframed watercolors
  54. hanging painting on granite wall
  55. Introduction of ...
  56. Looking for art installer in the Dallas area
  57. Magnets & Works on Paper
  58. What's in your tool bag?
  59. Wrapping Blocks with Fabric
  60. Ionizer Recommendations
  61. Big Bubble Bags
  62. Invisible installation of works on paper
  63. Material for Gold String art?
  64. Vans, Trucks, retrofitting, leasing vs buying, art transport tricks of the trade
  65. Adhesive
  66. Research help please
  67. Tripwire alarm
  68. Vehicle for Art Pick Up/Delivery
  69. tapestry hanging
  70. ideas for security hardware for frames
  71. Workshops and Conferences
  72. PPE and new work practices for prep crews amid Covid19
  73. Procedures for Covid 19 positive tests during art installation
  74. Where to get bulk floreat picture hangers? (Besides Ziabicki)
  75. Lift or Leveler? (Listserve thread from 11/11/20)
  76. Do No Touch Labels
  77. Duchamp Rotoreliefs question
  78. Reliability of cleats