April 26 – 27, 2012
The Field Museum in Chicago
New webpage for the event here - http://fieldmuseum.org/happening/mountmakers-forum-home
The Mountmaking Forum is a group of individuals that are interested in the exchange of ideas regarding all aspects of mountmaking for works of art.
Speaker presentations and poster proposals are being accepted from now until Dec.9 Great solutions for mounting objects wanted. There is always a reason, situation or solution to a difficult issue that would be great to share with the rest of the mountmaking community. What process do you go thru to fabricate mounts? How do you compile Information to hand off to the mountmaker? At what point of a project do you call in a mountmaker to help solve some of the issues around designing a mount? Sometimes the simple solutions are the best. Mitigation mounts in the Midwest. What kind of mounts do you use?
Do you have great solutions to difficult objects and or projects?
Please submit a 1 page document describing the mount/object/installation project with some detail of what makes this a great solution. Please send them to pgaible@fieldmuseum.org
An early registration web site will be posted in October, 2011. Stay tuned…
For more options, visit this group at: http://groups.google.com/group/mountmaking-forum?hl=en
Questions contact: Pam Gaible, Sr. Mountmaker pgaible@fieldmuseum.org