This event, held in London earlier this year, represents a big step forward for the IMF as it anticipates the first two day forum to be held outside of the states - something to look forward to. In addition to the pragmatic sessions presented the videos below also provide us with a glimpse into the formation of this exciting and evolving organization.
International Mountmakers Forum (IMF)Kick-Start Event
Natural History Museum- London, UK
15 April, 2015
Last month our group took a big step forwardwhen the Natural History Museum in London hosted an informal InternationalMountmakers Forum meeting. The event was co-organized by Helen Walker (NaturalHistory Museum) and Sam Gatley (Victoria and Albert Museum) to inform museum professionals in the UK(and Europe) about the IMF and to generate support for a future UK IMFconference. Thanks to Helen and Sam’s efforts, the meeting was a hugesuccess with over a 150 in attendance! This was the first time an eventdedicated solely to mountmaking has taken place in the UK and the meeting feltvery much like the first IMF hosted at Getty Museum in 2008- lots of enthusiasmfor the profession, with many connections being made. Given the turnoutat the event, it underscored the interest in mountmaking in the UK and thedesire to connect professionally. It also set the groundwork for a futureIMF conference in London- hopefully #6 in 2018!
Many thanks again to Helen and Sam for all oftheir efforts!
Helen Walker’s introduction
Mckenzie Lowry
BJ Farrar
Roger Murray
Christian Kingham
First Q&A
Kevin Smith
Shelly Uhlir
Final Q&A
To find out more about mountmaking please visit the AIC WIKIMountmaking page at the link below
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