• 2024 Preparators Conference Videos

    2024 Preparators Conference Videos
    May 15-17th at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO

    “Looking Back/Moving Forward”
    As we enter the mid-2020s, we would like to look at how our profession has changed after tumultuous start of the decade, and how we are planning for the future. While our last convention in 2022 looked at the adaptation in our industry propelled by the events of 2020, this year we focus on how those changes have become no longer reactive, but the new way of doing things.
    All rights reserved. The content of these videos is the intellectual property of the author(s). You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without written permission from the author(s). All information provided is for educational and informational purposes. Any opinions or statements made by the author(s) is solely theirs and PACCIN has no responsibility of its content.

    Day One: May 16, 2024

    Conference Introductions

    Mark Milani | Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art; Mark Wamaling & Jerry Smith | PACCIN

    Integrating Technology into Exhibition Design – Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Technology
    Joey Capadona | Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

    Adding Additive Manufacturing to Your Bag o’ Tricks: An Introduction to 3D Printing for Preparation and Collections Care
    Matthew Del Grosso | Peabody Essex Museum

    Security, Efficiency, and Standardization: The Evolving Methods of Rehousing Works on Paper Using Trays
    Bella Quijano | Lucas Museum of Narrative Art

    Repatriation Expedited
    Natalie Wadle | Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

    The Rodeo Rig - Large Vitrine Rigging
    Scott Foulk | Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

    Mountmaking for the Huntington Library’s Oldest Printed Book
    Anna Nelson, Austin Plann | Huntington Library, Museum, Botanical Garden

    Lighting Design for the Non-Lighting Designer (or “You Pet the Cat, You Own the Cat”)
    Rebeka Pech Moguel, Jake Ludemann | Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

    ArtFit 3D
    Bob Crozier | ArtFit 3D

    Labor Unions in Museums
    Michael Terzano | Hammer Museum

    Career Stories Gameshow
    Dave O’Ryan

    (See Dave’s comments regarding the Engagement Room results below*)

    When AI Handles the Art
    Jerry Smith | Lucas Museum of Narrative Art

    Day Two: Friday May 17th

    Do Ho Suh’s Portal – 17 Years from Conception to Installation
    Dale Benson | Museum of Fine Arts Houston

    Wall of Sound - Installing with Yoshitomo Nara during COVID
    Michael Price | Los Angeles County Museum of Art

    (Video to be posted later)

    All Plops and No Drops! Lessons from a Collections Storage Move
    Iona Woolmington | Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago

    Handle With Care with Art Handlxrs
    Marcel Pardo Ariza, Ambrose Trataris | Art Handlxrs

    Making a Modular Slat Crate
    Christopher Chiavetta | Crozier Fine Arts

    Foam Scraps and Sonotubes
    Joshua Crockett | Crozier Fine Arts

    Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky Restoration Project
    Ben Bridgers | North Carolina Museum of Art

    Maintaining Outdoor Sculpture - and Other Demons
    Jorge Valenzuela | Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

    Benefits and Applications of Riser Brackets for Large Scale Sculpture Installation
    Ian Mullin | UOVO

    Making a Panorama- The Installation of Judy Baca’s “Great Wall” at LACMA
    Daniel Wheeler | Los Angeles County Museum of Art

    Gender-Based Microaggressions: 10 Questions to Spark Awareness
    Emma Goos | Denver Art Museum

    The Wooden crate: A wasteful Relic or Ecologically useful?
    Bryan Cooke | Cooke’s Crating

    Thirty-three Years of Art In Transit: The ProfessionBefore, Since, and a View Looking Forward
    T. Ashley McGrew | Cantor Center for Visual Arts

    (Video to be posted later)

    Small Changes Think Tank (SCoTT) Forum on Small Sustainable Ideas
    Matthew Driggs | Los Angeles County Museum of Art

    *Career Stories Engagement Table Report
    Dave O’Ryan | Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

    Last remarks
    Jerry Smith | PACCIN Programs Committee Chair

    We would like to thank all the sponsors who supported the conference!
    Primary Conference Sponsors
    Belger Cartage Service, Dietl

    Platinum/Marketplace Sponsors
    ArtFit 3D, Art Handler Network, Atelier, BevArt,
    Cookes Crating, Maquette FAS, Takiya, Turtle NA, US Art

    Gold Sponsors
    ARTworks of Kansas City, Atelier 4, Bonsai Fine Arts,
    Cross Museum Services, Methods & Materials, Tru Vue

    Silver Sponsors
    Apice, Arteria, ArtWorks San Diego,
    Artech, Masterpak, Teton Art Services

    Evening Event Sponsors
    ARTworks of Kansas City, IAS Fint Art Logistics, Crozier FAS

    Student Scholarship Sponsor
    Brent Powell
    Chief Preparator of Packing & Storage at the Nelson-Atkins, 1986-99
    PACCIN Chair, 1990-2000, 2008-2014