Paul Brewin
The New PACIN Website
, 02-25-2010 at 10:59 PM (34976 Views)
The new PACIN website has successfully launched (if you are reading this on the website, then we have definitely been successful!) We have endeavored to keep the overall look of the site familiar, but there are many new features to explore. Here’s an overview of what you’ll find:
New articles will appear in the central area of the home page and will typically be listed with newer articles first. Multiple articles appear on the home page as snippets; click on the article title to read the entire article and to add comments if you wish. A “Sections” menu on the left side of the page allows you to browse articles by type. Or, below this area you can select from a list called “Categories” to look for articles by subject.
A new feature of the website, the forum is the place for discussions on a broad range of topics. You can browse, post and reply on subjects of your interest, and add or view images and videos within discussion threads. Powerful options are available to deliver forum content to you: subscribe to topics and discussions that interest you and receive automatic email updates when there is new discussion activity; advanced search function helps you find the answers you need; a “What’s New” button quickly brings up all the latest activity; click the “FAQ” tab in the forum area for more information.
Another addition, blogs will deliver general commentary on PACIN and affiliate organizational activities, product reviews, and deliver website-specific information and tutorials. Other content which does not fit the criteria of either an article or a forum topic will find its home here.
Sign up
It is highly recommended that you register to benefit from many of these new site features. Just click on the “Register” tab and follow the instructions; you must read and abide by the “Terms of Service” in order to register and use the forum. If you work on a private computer, you may wish to select the “Remember Me” checkbox so you won’t need to log in each time you visit (some exceptions may apply). You can choose your own username and password, and you can apply varying degrees of privacy to your profile. Note that the all posts, replies and user profiles are visible to anyone and everyone, so choose privacy options accordingly.
Tell us what you think!
We encourage and welcome your feedback on the new site, and appreciate your patience while we collectively get acquainted with the new digs. In fact, comment on this article to start. We hope this format increases collaboration and communication, and also that it helps PACIN to grow and continue to be a critical resource to our respective professions.