• Rigging

    Published on 03-09-2010 02:00 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Tools/Equipment,
    3. Rigging
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    Compiled by Ashley McGrew
    Originally Posted 7/25/09

    Using a chain hoist on a standard trolley (not a geared type) means that the load can move easily along the axis of the gantry’s I-beam. This is what makes you able to move a load from one location to another if required. This ease of movement can also be useful because when lifting irregularly shaped objects (like sculpture versus say a ...
    Published on 03-08-2010 01:59 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Art/Object Handling,
    3. Installation,
    4. Rigging,
    5. Project Management
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    Brent Powell, Coordinator Art Handling
    National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Australia

    Geoffrey Bartlett "Messenger"

    In January 2003 the primary logistics started to be put into place for the re-installation of outdoor sculptures for the newly renovated National Gallery of Victoria Sculpture Garden. Five sculptures were to be installed in the garden and one sculpture removed from the present site before the grand reopening of the newly refurbished building on December 4th 2003.The sculptures from the NGV collection were August Rodin's "Balzac", William DeKooning's "Standing Figure", Henry ...
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