• Art/Object Handling

    Published on 03-08-2010 01:32 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Art/Object Handling,
    3. Resources,
    4. Project Management

    Presented at the PACIN Workshop on May 5, 2005 in Indianapolis, Indiana
    by Richard Hinson

    When we need to hire new staff, for most of us in the art handling business, experienced art handlers are hard to find. My experience has taught me that art handlers are created, not found. Like Victor Frankenstein did with his creation, we have to find the most qualified, best candidates for the job and piece by piece create an art handler. Sometimes the best candidate is someone with no former art handling experience.
    Published on 03-08-2010 12:59 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Art/Object Handling,
    3. Installation,
    4. Rigging,
    5. Project Management
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    Brent Powell, Coordinator Art Handling
    National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Australia

    Geoffrey Bartlett "Messenger"

    In January 2003 the primary logistics started to be put into place for the re-installation of outdoor sculptures for the newly renovated National Gallery of Victoria Sculpture Garden. Five sculptures were to be installed in the garden and one sculpture removed from the present site before the grand reopening of the newly refurbished building on December 4th 2003.The sculptures from the NGV collection were August Rodin's "Balzac", William DeKooning's "Standing Figure", Henry ...
    Published on 03-08-2010 11:31 AM
    1. Categories:
    2. Art/Object Handling,
    3. Tools/Equipment,
    4. Casework/Fabrication

    by Richard Hinson

    When moving a painting of any size from one place to another it helps to have a specially designed cart to safely get the painting to its destination. Small paintings that can be carried by hand are susceptible to damage from excessive handling. Plus, there's additional risk from carrying the painting great distances. Small though it may be, when your museum spans the distance of several city blocks, hand carrying a painting isn't practical. And forget about the idea of
    Published on 03-03-2010 09:54 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Packing,
    3. Art/Object Handling,
    4. Conservation
    Article Preview

    Anyone who has worked as a commercial art handler in a major market has been trained in how to “fold” large paintings. The process is not as horrible as it may sound to those unfamiliar with the process.

    Most often the process involves a relatively “young” painting whose sheer size makes some kind of alteration of its’ normal stretched structure necessary in order to be able to remove it from the studio, gallery, or museum.

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