I love when someone posts a question or request and then proceeds to educate us about the issue. Pretty awesome. Unfortunately the way our current set-up operates you only get responses on the forum when members have subscribed to this topic area in the forum. The realistic way to get a higher volume of responses seems to still be to post on the List Serve since the query goes straight into a couple of thousand inboxes. I know one person in the OKC area that has some good training and will ask a coworker in my own institution.

As an aside, working at Stanford places me in the heart of silicon valley and despite outreach here and consulting with three different website experts as an organization we have still not been able to find anyone who could answer the seemingly simple question "How do we get our forum to behave like a list serve?" Anyway thanks for posting the question to begin with and for then sharing resources. Very cool. I also try to do both when I am able. Cheers, Ashley