Below find a few jobs posted on MuseJobs – You can subscribe free and lists of jobs will be sent directly to you.
Link and description below.

MuseJobs has been serving the arts community since 2002 and provides job leads to members' mailboxes daily. We provide direct jobs, transferrable jobs, resume/interview pointers, employment law, opportunities to self-promote, and the state of the job market (i.e., the job market is up/down). Its all-volunteer staff provides leads from the US, UK, and Canada.

This is an entirely free service, and employers in the arts world are highly encouraged to post positions here. You have an eager bank of more than 2800 candidates you can reach by so doing.

The list is moderated, and spammers are banned. It's important to note this is not a list to promote off-shore IT outsourcing. There is a niche on Yahoogroups for such postings, but this is not.

Among the types of jobs we post are opportunities for museums, planetaria, aquaria, state parks, archaeology, anthropology, historians, libraries, zoos, and more. We may also post volunteer opportunities in that volunteering and networking are often considered keys to opening the door to the job of your dreams in the arts world.

Before asking the list to help you find a job, please read Deb Fuller's excellent primer on job searching found on the Art History site

Welcome! You are among friends. We wish you luck!

Princeton NJ - Casual Museum Preparator

Allentown, PA – Asst. Preparator ob_DID=J3H2Q9744HLBYRY038V

Omaha Nebraska – Preparator

Milwaukee WI - Exhibit Developer/Fabricator Hired&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=SimplyHired