Hi Ingrid, I am kind of surprised you haven't gotten a response from some of the mount makers among us. I do know that several of the Aves products continue to pass Oddy tests and are in use in a variety of different applications. From what I understand none behaves exactly as Pliacre (or later Philly seal) did but that seems to be ok. Some versions seem to be a stiffer and some a little runnier? I only have this very general idea of the situation because I am in the Mountmaking forum google group where these kinds of things are discussed more frequently than say on the regular PACCIN listserv. You might try and paste this link in your browser, http://groups.google.com/group/mountmaking-forum get on, and pose your question there. Good luck and please feel free to post anything you discover back here to benefit other who may search us out. Best, Ashley