Updated 4/14/10 PAB: MMSS 01-18-10 v0
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Acid free tissues do not contain lignin and are made from high quality pulp. Un-buffered tissue is used with protein-based materials (wool, silk, leather, fur) and other materials sensitive to alkali (silver, color photos). Buffered tissues have a component added to push the pH to neutral or alkaline range, which can help scavenge acidic pollutants. Choose un-buffered when content is mixed or unknown, or its somewhat softer qualities are preferred. Its hygroscopic qualities can help stabilize relative humidity within a closed envelope.
Machine-made rolls 30-60” wide; pre-cut sheets up to 30" x 40”. Weights range from 9 to 18 lb.
When crumpled, it can provide a “pillow” or “cloud” in which to lay an object, but it does compress. Its softness makes it excellent for building up layers on objects to protect smaller areas or to build out protrusions. It is often used as a contact material with metals since they can be subject to condensation during severe temperature change. Its ability to buffer humidity change makes it useful when packing objects for low temperature IPM treatments.